Today 3 ice2ice Msc students successfully defended their MSc thesis at the Niels Bohr Institute.
The three students have all been working with chemical ice core proxies, but on very different timescales.

Mirjam Läderach has worked on “Continuous flow analysis on EastGRIP ice core: Optimization of optical dye method and results from acidity measurements on the EastGRIP ice core” where she successfully optimized an acid method for the determination of volcanoes in ice cores.
Michelle Shu-Ting Lee worked on “Climate proxies based on the NEEM ice core for the Holocene period 4000-7000 years B2K: An integrated CFA and IEC method for NEEM brittle zone”. The brittle zone is a zone in deep ice cores where continuous chemical sampling by CFA is not possible and thus time consuming discrete sampling combined with Ion Chromatography is required to obtain the chemical proxies for forest fire, volcanoes, wind and aridity.
And Nicholas Robles worked on “Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Greenland Shallow Snow Cores and HIRHAM5 Data”. He analysed the variability in several shallow snow cores covering only the past 5 years and compared the chemical results with weather data from climate modelling to generate a better understanding of the chemical proxies we use for the deep ice cores.
Congratulations to all 3.