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Norheimsund workshop

-a great success


A total of 64 participants attended the Nordheimsund workshop which took place January 26th to 29th, 2015 in Nordheimsund, Norway.

The meeting gathered the ice2ice community and allowed for discussions and input on how to continue the project in the coming year.

In the first part of the meeting ice2ice scientists and invited speakers held no less than 30 talks. Further 10 short talks were given by PhD’s  hired within or related to the ice2ice project.


The talks covered a vast majority of science related to the ice2ice project;  sea ice proxies, total air content as a proxy for ice sheet elevation, field work that will take place in the coming year, uncertainties in climate models, adjoint method to produce a global ocean state estimation of the glacial ocean, Ice sheets in the climate system,  dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet and discussion of current changes, Model of Arctic sea ice retreat effect on Greenland, the effect of laurentide icesheets on midlatitudes to just mention a few.


The talks formed the foundation for the work package discussions, which took part over the last two days of the meeting. Two discussions were ran at the time. This allowed for multidisciplinary input from the scientists. The discussions formed a work plan for the coming year including several minor multidisciplinary workshops, publication plans and input to the planned field work.

PhD scientific bootcamp

The Ice2Ice PhD students are organizing a scientific “bootcamp” which will take place in Denmark this fall. The aim of the bootcamp is to develop our independent research abilities, as well our collaboration skills. We will in the coming weeks formulate problems which we aim to solve in small groups during an intense and focused week. In this regard, we hope to get some guidance and help from researchers within Ice2Ice. In addition, we will invite both internal and external researcher to the bootcamp for guidance and help in the problems we will solve.

Due to a busy summer with lots of field work, the bootcamp is (most likely) scheduled for week 40. Please reserve this week!

Please contact or if you have any questions.

MIS 3 workshop

-produces a new paper

group picture from workshop

Twenty-six participants from fields spanning paleoceanography, ice cores, physical oceanography and climate dynamics, gathered in Bergen in early February to discuss Antarctic and Southern Ocean climate during MIS3. New ideas on the potential role of atmospheric teleconnections from the tropics and of changes in Southern Ocean deep convection in driving (or preconditioning) MIS3 climate variability were discussed. The participants are now working on a review paper that aims to test these ideas along with existing bipolar seesaw models against the latest ocean and ice core data.

Karthaus Summer School

-on Ice Sheets and Glaciers in the Climate System


The Karthaus summer school is running this year partly due to funding from ice2ice. The Karthaus summerschool provides a basic introduction to the dynamics of glaciers and ice sheets with a focus on ice-climate interactions. The course is intended for Ph.D. students that work on (or soon will start working on) a glaciology-related climate project and the course is thus highly relevant for some ice2ice PhDs. A few places are also available for junior scientists.

The course lasts a full 10 days and takes place 8 – 19th of September in the beautiful surroundings of the charming old village Karthaus in the Schnalstal, about 20 km northwest of Merano, northern Italy. Deadline for registration is May 18th.

More information about the Karthaus summerschool can be found here.

Application for ACDC2015 is now open!

This years ACDC organized by UiB in collaboration with MIT and U. Washington will be held at Laugarvant, Iceland in the former boarding school Heradsskolinn. The topic we will focus on is “Climate and Volcanism” and as usual we aim for an interdisciplinary group of PhD students and lecturers within the field of climate dynamics (ocean, atmosphere, geology, glaciology).

You will find a list of lecturers and link to application form on this web site. Note deadline is the 10th of March!


Nordheimsund workshop




The researchers participating in the ice2ice project meet every half year to facilitate cooperation between researchers from the four partner institutions; University of Bergen, University of Copenhagen, UniResearch and the Danish Meteorological Institute.

This time the meeting is in Nordheimsund, Norway and will last a full four days. The ice2ice community will update each other on the progress in the work packages of the ice2ice project and discuss future work. Further for the workshop guest researchers are invited to give state of the art talks to ensure the ice2ice community is always updated with the most recent science relating to the ice2ice project.

Invited speakers are:

  • Rudiger Stein, Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany, “Sea ice proxies”
  • Laure Zanna, Oxford University, United Kingdom “An ocean of uncertainty in climate predictions”
  • Lev Tarasov, Memorial University of NewFoundland, Canada, “calibrated deglacial history of FIS/Bar/Kara”
  • Annette Rinke, Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany, “Arctic amplification in observations and models”
  • David Battisti, University of Washington, USA, “sea ice, storm tracks and atmospheric circulation during the last glacial”
  • Patrick Heimbach, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA “The ends and means of global ocean state estimation”
  • Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark “Combining proxies and models to reconstruct the Greenland ice sheet”

Dates: January 26th – 29th, 2015

Venue: Thon hotel Sandven, Nordheimsund, Norway

Link to calendar event

Workshop coordinators:

The four ice2ice PI’s; Kerim H. Nisancioglu (University of Bergen), Eystein Jansen (University of Bergen), Trond Dokken (UniResearch), Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen (Danish Meteorological Institute) and Bo Vinther (University of Copenhagen) as well as Erik Sandquist (University of Bergen) and Helle Astrid Kjær (University of Copenhagen)

MIS3/Southern Ocean and Bipolar Seesaw Workshop

<a class="new" title="User:David40226543 (siden finnes ikke)" href="David40226543&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1">David40226543</a> - <span class="int-own-work">Eget verk</span>. Lisensiert under <a title="Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0" href="">CC BY-SA 3.0</a> via <a href="//">Wikimedia Commons</a>.


Ice core records show that there is a systematic relationship between Antarctic Isotope Maximum (AIM) events in Antarctica and Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events in the North Atlantic. All prominent DO events have an AIM counterpart; the warming stage of AIM events typically coincides with the cold, stadial stage of DO events [EPICA cm 2006]. The AIM signals are also expressed in proxies of southern ocean surface temperature [Bostock et al, 2014] and southern-sourced deepwater ventilation and production [e.g. Piotrowski et al., 2008].

While the systematic phasing of AIM and DO events implies that they are somehow coupled, it does not specify how they are coupled or from where or by what they are triggered.

Purpose of the workshop will be to:

(1) familiarise ourselves with records of climate variability at high southern latitudes during MIS3;

(2) discuss possible mechanisms/models which might explain the phasing of these records with respect to the DO cycles; and

(3) reject hypotheses which do not satisfy the observations.

A review paper on Antarctica, the Southern Ocean and the bipolar seesaw during MIS3 will be written based on the outcome of the workshop.

Dates: February 2nd – 3rd, 2015

Venue: University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway

Link to calendar event

Link to workshop Program

Workshop coordinators:

Joel Pedro (University of Copenhagen) and Kerim Hestnes Nisancioglu (University of Bergen)

Proxy and model meetings

The 11th of December 2014 two meetings were held; one for the people within the ice2ice project working on proxies and one for those modelling.


Proxy workshop: 

In the proxy meeting sea ice proxies in both marine records and ice cores was presented to serve a base for further discussions in January at the Nordheimsund meeting. Further in the meeting uncertainties in the different proxies, labeling of climatic events and cross proxy events was discussed in details. Other archives providing information on past sea ice extent in the Arctic was also discussed.

Attending: Vasilieois Gkinis, Paul Vallelonga, Bo Vinther, Sune Olander, Helle Astrid Kjær, Kerim Hestnes Nicancioglu, Trond Dokken, Eystein Jansen, Joel, Thomas Blunier, Niccoló Maffezioli, Carin Anderson Dahl, Bjørg Risebrobakken, Anders Svensson and Mai Winstrup


Model meeting:

The model meeting took place simultaneously. The purpose of the meeting was to gather people from the modelling groups to make a status on the ongoing ice2ice activities, and to identify overlapping efforts and coordinate the model runs. Some ice2ice activities was found to be dependent on certain model runs, and a plan to accomplish the most urgent ones was produced. 

Attending: Christine Schøtt Hvidberg, Anne Solgaard, Markus Jochum, Christian Rodehacke, Jonathan W. Rheinlander, Kerim Nisancioglu, Martin Olesen, Rasmus Nordfang, Hannah Kleppin and Iben Koldtoft.


Dates: December 11th, 2014

Venue: Centre for Ice and Climate, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen

Workshop coordinators: Christine Schøtt Hvidberg, Paul Travis Vallelonga and Helle Astrid Kjær (all from University of Copenhagen)

Science planning meeting (DMI)

On Dec 1, ice2ice held a science planning meeting at Park Inn Hotel near Copenhagen airport. It is a nice venue easily accessible for visitors flying in for meetings. For the ice2ice crowd, it was extra fun to come back, since this was where we had the rehearsal meeting for the final grant interview about a year ago. The meeting was planned mainly as a DMI-team workshop but we had guests Anne Solgaard (CIC) and Qiong Zhang (Bert Bolin Centre in Stockholm) to inspire and spur on the discussions.


Guided by the original application and new opportunities that have arisen, we worked through the day on crystallizing our ideas and wishes into actual projects and experiments. Along the way we had time for talks by Qiong Zhang (on the paleo-modeling with EC-Earth in Stockholm), Shuting Yang (on a Global Climate Model (GCM)-view on the reversibility of Arctic sea ice loss) and Rasmus Anker Pedersen (on local and remote influences of sea ice loss in the Atlantic and Pacific parts of the Arctic).

Lots of ideas came up, most of which had a direct bearing on the ice2ice goals. A couple of tools were identified to be central to many of the experiments that we want to conduct. One is the capability to nudge the sea ice field, subsurface temperatures, and near-surface salinities in the fully coupled EC-Earth. This will allow us to perform sensitivity experiments focusing on the response of the atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet system to changing conditions in the Arctic associated with sea ice cover, Atlantic inflow, freshwater runoff and brine rejection. Furthermore, an ultra-high resolution setup of our regional model system will allow us to study details of the climate in areas characterized by steep topography such as the Scoresbysund-Renland region. We also decided to investigate the possibility of running the EC-Earth at a high resolution allowing for an adequate representation of the forcing fields to drive a full Northern Hemisphere ice sheet model.