The 2016 EastGRIP season has started. On April 22nd, the first field operation managers made their way to Kangerlussuaq to open the field office. The first field team arrives in Greenland on April 25th and was put in at only -5C-very warm for the season. However the warm put in temperatures made for a perfect runway, and has allowed for a great start on the 2016 field work in Greenland, which will be visited by multiple ice2ice researchers during the 2016 season. The daily progress of the 2016 EastGRIP field season can found here: Field diaries.
The East Greenland Ice-core Project – EastGRIP – aims to retrieve an ice core by drilling through the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS). Ice streams are responsible for draining a significant fraction of the ice from the Greenland Ice Sheet, and we hope to gain new and fundamental information on ice stream dynamics from the project, thereby improving the understanding of how ice streams will contribute to future sea-level change. The drilled core will also provide a new record of past climatic conditions from the northeastern part of the Greenland Ice Sheet which will be analysed at numerous laboratories worldwide. The project has many international partners, amongst these UiB also part of ice2ice and is managed by the Centre for Ice and Climate, Denmark, which is also part of ice2ice with air support carried out by US ski-equipped Hercules aircraft managed through the US Office of Polar Programs, National Science Foundation.
The EGRIP camp was opened 27th of April at 12:00 by 7 people. The big main building, the Dome was found intact, garages were in good shape and access was easy. Temperatures were high and most of the vehicles started easily. Due to high temperatures and a significant amount of new snow, the plane was not able to take off and the crew helped opening camp for that reason.
Grooming of the skiway began at 17.00 and was continued into late evening. The 109th stayed overnight, while the snow on the skiway hardened. Next morning, the plane took off without problems at 6:30. Overnight, the temperature had dropped significantly.
The first days were as always busy with a lot of small tasks; grooming the skiway, setting up skiway markers, getting an overview, and making all necessities available (outhouse, cooking, heat). The main generator was on at 16:00 (local time), four hours after arrival. The camp has two snowblowers, 3 snowmobiles, a Caterpillar and two Pistenbullys to help with large amount of work needed to build an ice core camp intended to last more than 4 years.
The first couple of weeks have been heavy work!
The plan to dig trenches and use ballons to make structures under the ice for working has worked perfectly.
Now the big task is done: All balloons are now buried under several meter snow, and the snow surface is flat again with only a few ventilation shafts and hoses sticking out of the snow. A few bamboo flags mark the site of the days and nights drama.
Trenches are neccesary to perform ice core science. They provide a perfect cold environment with the mean temperature of the site of about -25C. In these caves under the ice, a drill will be set up in one of the caves and the science will take place in the other.
The next part of the season
The season will continue and by 3rd of June another 4 flights to camp are planned. They will bring new weatherports, beds, tools, shelves, generators and spareparts all have to be installed and is used to complete the EGRIP camp so it may house 35-45 people.However the maximum camp load this year will be just 22 people.
The work will continue by outfitting the science trench and drill trench with workshops, laboratories, control cabin and power. Further scientific sampling is done above ground, including snow property sampling, installation of a tower for water vapour measurements, surface movement measurements by GPS and many other.
The winch and tower used for deep drill will be installed and we even expect to have time for some distinguished gusets for 4 days and a school student visit in in July. At the end of the season the EGRIP camp will be closed down in a way that we can start up next year with a more extensive science program.
Next week several ice2ice scientists will head towards Vienna. You might wonder why?
The EGU general assembly 2016 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.
Thus it is an ideal place for the ice2ice group to discuss new results from both the ReCAP ice core, the sediment cores taken during this years cruise as well as to engange in discussions about recent model runs of both past and present. Below an update of presentations at EGU2016 by ice2ice scientists sorted by day and what kind of presentation.
The annual all staff meeting was held in Helsingor in April. With almost 70 participants including internal and external experts and almost the entire Ice2Ice team; ice cores, modelling, sea ice and marine records where discussed day and night.
The annual all staff meeting was held in Denmark, Helsingor surrounded by both forest and ocean and good opportunities for “walk and talks”. The meeting was split into a presentation part and a part of discussing future plans.
The presentations were kept short to make sure that everybody within the ice2ice community had time to present their work and ideas. The talks were split into the sessions:
Session A – Atmospheric dynamics
Session B – Ice core proxies
Session C – Marine proxies
Session D – Ice Dynamics
Session E -Sea ice/ocean dynamics
Session F – Ocean Dynamics Session
Each session had between 4 and 6 talks by ice2ice members. Further sessions for introducing new people within the ice2ice project, discussing impacts from the more than 5 workshops ice2ice has arranged in the past year, discussion and presentation of past and future field work and more practical info on what to be aware of when travelling between the institutions was presented and discussed.
The second half of the meeting included group discussions, all the work packages (WP1, WP2 and WP3) of the ice2ice project was discussed and a plan including for future meetings, articles and collaboration was made for each work package.
All spare time was used to further discuss collaborative plans between the different institution members.
My recent paper in Geophysical Research Letters (co-led with Torge Martin from Kiel) was in part inspired by discussions at the ice2ice supported ‘MIS3/Southern Ocean and Bipolar Seesaw Workshop’ held in Bergen in January 2015. Check out the paper for the details; read on for a little story telling.
Dansgaard-Oeschger events, in their most iconic form, are saw-toothed 5–16°C temperature variations in Greenland ice cores1,2. Now, more than 30 years after these abrupt climate changes were first seen in the Greenland ice3, we have learned that D-O variability echoes through the entire climate system: in the colour of river sediments in Venezuela4, in water isotope variations in speleothems from China5, in glacial advance and retreat in Patagonia6 and in Antarctic ice cores7, where we see gradual warming of several degrees while Greenland is in the cold (stadial) sate and then gradual cooling periods while Greenland is in the warm (interstadial) state (Fig 1).
Pin the tail on the Donkey
So where does the process start? Palaeoclimatologists have been playing pin the tail on the donkey with DO events for years (I include myself here). This is how you play (thanks Wikepedia11):
“One at a time, each child is blindfolded and handed a paper “tail” with a push pin or thumbtack poked through it. The blindfolded child is then spun around until he or she is disoriented. The child gropes around and tries to pin the tail on the donkey. The game, a group activity, is generally not competitive; “winning” is only of marginal importance.”
And so we mark our territory. The Laurentide ice sheet bristles with tacks12, as does the North Atlantic13. Clusters of tacks pepper the tropical pacific14, the Nordic seas15 and few decorate Antarctica16 and the Agulhas17. A la mode, the latest are stuck into volcanoes18. Some miss the board entirely19.
So where do we stick the tack with this paper? Well, I’m from Australia and co-author Sune Rasmussen had a sabbatical there and fell in love with the outback and Aussie pies; so naturally we stuck it in the Southern Ocean. Then the reviewers spun us around again and we became less decisive… but first things first, why care about the Southern Ocean during D-Os?
Global sea level20, atmospheric CO2 (ref 21) and (in breaking results from Jeff Severinghuas’ group at SCRIPPS) global ocean heat content22, all vary in phase with the Antarctic temperature trend during D-Os. The fact that these curves look like the Antarctic record does not prove that the southern high latitudes dominate the processes involved in CO2, sea level and total ocean heat content. But the dominance of the Antarctic signal in these rather fundamental measures of the climate state certainly does demand we pay attention to what is going on in the south; if it walks like a duck…
The prevailing explanation for the phasing of the Greenland and Antarctic temperature trends during D-Os is the bipolar ocean seesaw hypothesis23. According to this view D-Os are due to changes in northward ocean heat transport. Increased heat transport is said to cause abrupt warming in the North Atlantic and Greenland (with some help from sea-ice feedbacks) at the same time as gradually depleting the heat reservoir of the Southern Ocean and cooling Antarctica24; vice-versa, weakened northward ocean heat transport is said to cause abrupt cooling in Greenland and gradual warming in the Southern Ocean and Antarctica. This concept works nicely in box models and in many intermediate complexity models25. But it runs into trouble when confronted with a more realistic depiction of the ocean, in which the steeply outcropping isopycnals of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) present a barrier to heat transport between the South Atlantic and Southern Ocean. The ACC may not be an insurmountable barrier, but anomalies certainly doesn’t go across nice and easy26.
For additional motivation to look to the south consider that the Southern Ocean currently takes up 75% of anthropogenic heat and 40% of anthropogenic CO2 (ref. 27). Whether the Southern Ocean will continue to provide this service for us is one of the biggest uncertainties in future temperature and sea level rise projections. Understanding what happens in the south during D-O’ seems like a meaningful challenge for the modellers and dynamicists who are trying to predict what the Southern Ocean may do in the future.
Polynyas: windows to the deep ocean
So getting to the point, our GRL paper describes a process that could drive past Antarctic warming events and conceivably even CO2 variations actively from the Southern Ocean itself.
Our idea was inspired in part by microwave satellite data from the 1970’s that shows three consecutive years in which there is a huge ice free area (250,000 km2) in the normally ice-packed Weddell Sea28. The Germans got a ship into this ‘open ocean polynya’ and found that the mixed layer extended to the sea floor29. The sea ice was being kept at bay by massive convective heat loss. The heat supply to sustain the deep convection was supplied by the intermediate depths of the Southern Ocean. The polynya shut down after 1976 and has not reappeared since. However some oceanographers suspect the sort of deep ocean convection that was responsible for the Weddell Polynya may have been more common in the past.
According to Arnold L. Gordon, leader of the original German cruise to the polynya in the 70’s, ocean deep convection may have been the only way for the deep Southern Ocean to vent its heat during the glacial period—because glacial ice cover would have shut down margin processes30. So now we have a potential mechanism to drive Antarctic warming that doesn’t depend on propagating temperature anomalies across the ACC. This was especially attractive to our ‘ACC is a barrier to heat transport’ enthusiast co-author Markus Jochum.
Meanwhile, Torge Martin who I met at U. Washington, while I was a postdoc there, showed me some free-running simulations with the Kiel Climate Model that display some very interesting behaviour in the Southern Ocean. In a 2,000-year free-running simulation, heat accumulates at Southern Ocean intermediate depths and then is released to the atmosphere via deep convection—in the Weddell Sea! The convection lasts until the ocean heat reservoir is depleted, which takes several centuries. Convection then shuts down while the intermediate depths re-accumulate heat. Eventually the threshold of thermal instability is crossed, warm deep water is entrained into the mixed layer, and convection gets off and running again.
Southern Ocean internal variability and Antarctic Warming
In our paper we show that heat loss from the convective zone in the Weddell Sea ultimately causes warming of up to 2°C on the Antarctic continent. Four factors are important (in almost equal measure) in driving the Antarctic warming: ocean to atmosphere heat flux from the convective zone; sea-ice loss and albedo feedback; southward migration of the ACC; and increased heat and moisture transport to Antarctica. The southward migration of the ACC, which takes around 50 years, was a surprise. We put this migration down to heat (i.e. buoyancy) loss from the convective zone dragging the outcropping isopycnals southward. A southward-shifted ACC can also be viewed as a southward shift in the sub-tropical front, which in turn means warmer sea surface temperatures in the mid-latitudes. In response to the mid-latitude warming the atmosphere fluxes more heat toward Antarctica. Fascinating, isn’t it! The behaviour is summed up in our abstract like this:
Simulations with a free-running coupled climate model show that heat release associated with Southern Ocean deep convection variability can drive centennial-scale Antarctic temperature variations of up to 2.0°C. The mechanism involves three steps: Preconditioning: heat accumulates at depth in the Southern Ocean; Convection onset: wind and/or sea-ice changes tip the buoyantly unstable system into the convective state; and Antarctic warming: fast sea-ice—albedo feedbacks (on annual-decadal time scales) and slow Southern Ocean frontal and sea surface temperature adjustments to convective heat release (on multidecadal-century time scales) drive an increase in atmospheric heat and moisture transport toward Antarctica. We discuss the potential of this mechanism to help drive and amplify climate variability as observed in Antarctic ice-core records.
The two-stage response of the southern high latitudes to open ocean deep convection is illustrated in the schematic below (Fig 3.)
Ok, so where’s the link to the north?
As our reviewers pointed out, the mechanism above could be an interesting form of internal climate variability without necessarily having anything to do with D-Os! It’s a good point and I can’t rule out that they are right (yet). So on to some speculation.
Accounting for the time relationship between the Antarctic and Greenland temperature records across the D-O events would call for a process to push the southern high latitude system toward the deep-convecting warming mode while Greenland is in cold stadial conditions (and vice versa). During Greenland stadials we have good evidence that the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone and the Southern Ocean surface wind field are both shifted south5,31. Southward shifted winds would indeed be expected to push the Southern Ocean system toward the convective state by enhancing the Ekman-driven upwelling of intermediate-depth waters, enhancing the advection of sea ice northward away from the convective zone, and deepening the mixed layer32. The situation would be reversed in the case of Greenland interstadials in which there is evidence for a northward shift in the ITCZ and Southern Ocean surface wind field.
Hence we present a chain of coupled ocean and atmosphere processes that would help to bridge the oceanic barrier formed by the ACC. Some things we want to examine next are whether the deep convection events could also release CO2 to the atmosphere and whether the recharge of the heat reservoir that sustains the deep convection events may be linked to the strength or depth of the Atlantic Overturning.
So what about the donkey? Well, at this stage I’m still hanging on to my tack and increasingly of a mind that trying to define where the process starts may not be the most constructive way to tackle the D-O problem. A better approach may be to try to identify the necessary processes and to reject the processes that conflict with the data (e.g. as appears the case with meltwater forcing33) or that conflict with the physics (as may be the case with the bipolar ocean seesaws reliance on propagating anomalies across the ACC). Watch this space.
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Every second month the DMI and NBI groups meet to discuss progress within the ice2ice frame. During these meetings we discuss progress within individual projects, model runs needed, but also more practical issues, such as when next to meet.
Thursday March 17th we had a great meeting with a lot of science discussion. A summary of some of the presented material and project ideas can be found below with a headline for each individual presenter. Besides the four speakers below, Martin Olesen also gave an update on his work.
1420 year long climate change run at DMI by Shuting Yang
A 1400-year long climate change simulation had been performed using the fully coupled climate model-Greenland ice sheet model system, EC-Earth – PISM model at the DMI’s previous HPC system, in order to investigate the evolution of the Greenland ice sheet in a changing climate, and its feedback to the climate system. The long simulation followed the CMIP5 historical and extended RCP8.5 protocol starting from the preindustrial condition at 1850 and spanned to 3269. We examined briefly the characteristics of the climate and the Greenland ice sheet in this long simulation. A number of research topics are suggested and further investigations have been evolved.
Signal transmission in Ocean General Circulation Models
Observations suggest that there exists an anti-phase relationship between the climate of the northern and southern hemisphere during Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events. A complete explanation for DO events thus needs to encompass the story of why there is an inter hemispheric climate response. One way to assess the physics is through experiments using General Circulation Models (GCM), but this approach relies on that the model in use is able to resolve the waves that convey the climate signal. The ocean in particular is believed to play a role in the process of transmitting the signal through Kelvin and Rossby waves. The figure displays the model results from a simple shallow-water model in a domain that is thought to represent the equatorial region of the abyssal Atlantic Basin. It is seen how a Kelvin wave is travelling eastward along the equator, setting up the deep circulation. It is the desire to project these results from a simple model onto a more complex ocean GCM.
What is driving the mass flux variability at the NEGIS outlets.
The dynamic mass loss from marine terminating outlet glaciers is a significant contribution to the current mass budget of the Greenland ice sheet. Using the Uá shallow shelf approximation model together with new ESA CCI GIS surface velocity maps, thisstudy presents initial results on the current seasonal variations of basal properties of the marine outlets of the Northeast Greenland ice stream, one of which recently has been found to exhibit an accelerated retreat since 2012. Furthermore, the groundwork is laid out for future work on correlating such changes with climatic parameters and determining possible impacts on the up-stream catchment area.
As part of Danish Arctic activities in the Arctic, scientific observations and modeling estimates of various kind are provided to the interested public under As a new effort the Danish Meteorological Institute plans to use the in-house high resolution weather forecast model of the Greenlandic territory to drive the Permafrost model GIPL with the computed atmospheric information. The permafrost model is used in a close collaboration with the Geophysical Institute Permafrost Laboratory (LINK for the Institute name: in Fairbanks, Alaska, USA.
As an initial study we simulate the ground temperature in the southwest part of Greenland. At each grid location we consider 24 different soil profiles that differ in the layering of soil texture, soil material, pore space, water content, and thermal properties. These ground properties determine strongly the heat flow in the ground and, ultimately if permafrost is present. The figure shows the distribution of the computed mean ground temperature in the upper 11 meters in red-blue colors (see colorbar) while the black line follows approximately the coast. The left subfigure depicts the ground temperature where the ground properties generate maximal temperature at of each grid point; the ground properties support a warm ground. The right subfigure shows instead the corresponding minimal temperature in the ensemble of 24 soil types. In this case the layering of ground properties favor permafrost conditions. This example highlights both the need to choose adequate soil properties to simulate permafrost conditions, and, for unknown ground conditions, to compute the conditions for various types to delimit the range of expected ground temperatures.
DMI’s Ruth Mottram er en af verdens førende eksperter på gletsjerspalter, som er vigtige for at forstå isens dynamik f.eks. i Grønland. Det er ikke en helt ufarlig profession.
“Jeg glider, falder, slår mit hoved mod isen og bliver kilet fast, så jeg ikke kan røre mig. Til sidst får min assistent halet mig fri. Efter turen på hospitalet ligner jeg en, der har været involveret i en bilulykke”.
Sådan fortæller DMI’s Ruth Mottram om nærkontakt med en såkaldt gletsjerspalte: Dybe sprækker i de store iskapper, der findes på Grønland, Antarktis, Island og i nogle af Jordens store bjergkæder. Sammen med internationale kolleger har hun netop publiceret en artikel, der samler al den tilgængelige viden om spalterne og deres betydning.
Den dybere mening
Men hvorfor det farlige feltarbejde?
“Jeg er en af de få i verden, der reelt har forsøgt at måle dybden af gletsjerspalter”, siger Ruth Mottram. Og hun gør det ikke for sjov. Viden om spalterne er kritisk for at forstå, hvordan isen opfører sig, hvordan den bevæger sig, smelter, kollapser og ender som isbjerge.
Ruth Mottram har blandt andet sandsynliggjort, at spalterne ikke dannes fra overfladen og ned, men starter i dybden og arbejder sig opad. Hun har også været med til at påvise, at spalterne er vigtigere for iskappernes massebalance end hidtil antaget. Massebalancen er forholdet mellem isdannelse gennem snefald og komprimering og så kælvning af isbjerge og smeltning.
“Tæt på overfladen virker spalterne som solfangere. De påvirker også turbulensen i luftmassen, der blæser hen over isen. Begge dele er med til at øge afsmeltningen”, forklarer hun.
Spalterne er også vigtige kanaler for smeltevand. Det gør dem endnu farligere for forskerne og fører til fænomenetkryo-hydrologisk opvarmning.
“Det er et klodset ord”, griner hun. “Det betyder bare, at da vandet er varmere end isen, så transporterer spalterne i praksis energi ned i gletsjeren, som dermed smelter indefra”.
Vigtige for modellerne
De såkaldte flydemodeller for iskapperne, der beskriver isens bevægelser, er blevet meget bedre de senere år. Men der mangler fortsat vigtige elementer.
“Kun få modeller indeholder beskrivelser af gletsjerspalter eller de processer i isen, som de sætter i gang”, siger Ruth Mottram. Det er hun og danske kolleger i ERC-projektetice2icedog godt i gang med at råde bod på ved at forbedre DMI’s flydemodel, så den blandt andet beskriver kælvning ud fra hendes forskning i gletsjerspalter.
“Vores job er at matematiske beskrive de komplicerede processer så simpelt, at de kan indarbejdes i modeller, der dækker hele Grønland. Jo bedre modellerne er, jo bedre kan vi forudsige, hvor hurtigt isen kan og vil ændre sig og dermed få bedre styr på, hvor meget Indlandsisen f.eks. bidrager til ændringer i det globale havniveau nu og i fremtiden”.
Forskerholdet bag den nye artikel håber, at den fører til mere forskning på området – og til at flere isforskere får øjnene op for, hvor vigtige spalterne er for at forstå iskappernes dynamik. Ruth Mottram håber personligt på, at ny teknologi fremover vil gøre arbejdet mere sikkert, så det næste gang er en drone – og ikke hende selv – der får et par på hovedet.
Reference og kontakt
Colgan, W., H. Rajaram, W. Abdalati, C. McCutchan, R. Mottram, M. S. Moussavi, and S. Grigsby (2016), Glacier crevasses: Observations, models, and mass balance implications, Rev. Geophys., 54, doi:10.1002/2015RG000504.
For pdf af artiklen og for kontakt til Ruth Mottram skriv
One of the goals of ice2ice is to reconstruct the history of Arctic sea ice from Greenland ice core records. Ice core scientists currently have two methods for doing this (sodium and Methanesulphonic acid, MSA) although in collaboration with colleagues in Italy (University of Venice) and Australia (Australian Antarctic Division, AAD) we are working on a third sea ice proxy: halogens.
The halogen elements (Fluorine, Bromine, Chlorine, Iodine) are highly reactive and happen to be key elements in chemical reactions that take place on the sea ice surface. Understanding the link between sea ice, halogen chemical reactions and ice cores requires that we take samples from a variety of locations, covering the range of variability in sea ice and snow deposition conditions.
Antarctica is a great place to collect samples because most of the research into sea ice reconstructions are based on Antarctic ice cores and the sea ice variability is somewhat simpler than in the Arctic. I was able to go to East Antarctica to collect snow samples from the Antarctic coast in order to study how all three sea ice proxies (Sodium, MSA and halogens) respond to recently observed sea ice changes.
Getting to Antarctica is pretty easy nowadays: rather than taking a 3 week voyage on an icebreaker through the Southern Ocean, we can just fly there in 4 hours on an Airbus 319 which is chartered by the AAD. This service makes it possible to go to Antarctica, wait for a window of good weather at the sampling site, and then fly back to Australia in less than three weeks!
Together with Tessa Vance (AAD researcher) and an expert support team we drove up to Law Dome for the sampling. Law Dome is a special zone of high snow accumulation as it receives over a metre of snow every year, and has been a site for studying sea ice reconstructions for more than 20 years. We spent two days at Law Dome, during which we drilled an 8 metre snow core and sampled surface snow around the drill site. The support team also set up a weather station, so we know more about the local conditions at Law Dome over the coming years.
The next step is to do the measurements. All three sea ice proxies (Sodium, MSA and halogens) will be measured in parallel in the snow core and snow surface samples to produce a consistent story about sea ice at the Law Dome coast over the past 5 years. These measurements will be done in Australia, in Italy and at the Centre for Ice and Climate in Denmark.
When the Bergen ice2ice team (or should I say Kerim) decided after New Year that it was about time to organise something social and fun I suggested curling. Kerim his rather simple reply (Perfect Sarah! So, you will organise it then) was all that was necessary to have a decision. Curling it was! (Lesson learned: Be careful when you suggest something)
Nonetheless, a few weeks later on a rainy tuesday evening it was time to play some curling. Fourteen of our ice2ice colleagues, including a guest from Copenhagen (Markus) took the bus to Iskanten Ishall. Of course, after a long working day we were all very hungry and needed some pizza first. One of the conversation topics during dinner was that curling seems so easy on television, it can´t be that difficult. However, once on the ice it turned out to be slightly different. An instructor explained us the basics to play, the rules and some tricks on how to curl the stones.
Afterwards we played several games where the stones most of the times went to fast or too slow. And I guess it was the latter that caused the most laughter, because seeing your teammates swipe like crazy is kind of funny.
A new paper by Spolaor et al. co-authored by ice2ice associate professor Paul Vallelonga finds that halogens are useful for reconstructing sea ice variability in the Arctic.
Halogens such as brohmine (Br) and Iodine (I) are strongly influenced by sea ice dynamics. Bromine reacts with the sea ice surface and bromine explosion events take place. This causes the brohmine to sodium sea salt to be enhanced. Thus by determining the excess bromine concentration in the ice core relative to the sea salt sodium concentration a signal of the sea ice can be found for the past covered by the ice core.
Similar Iodine is related to sea ice extent. However the Iodine emissions to the polar atmosphere mainly arise from oceanic biological production and is thus related to the presence of ice-free open-ocean conditions.
The Bromine excess was found to correlate well with satellite sea ice area during spring and summer in the Laptev Sea region, while the iodine mainly correlated with the summer sea ice area.
Early January a delayed Christmas package was delivered at Centre for Ice and Climate. The package contained the parts for a “940 Professional IC Vario” from the company Methronohm; an Ion Chromatograph (IC).
The Ion Chromatograph is set up so it offers nM detection of negative ions. These include chloride a sea salt proxy in ice cores, and methane sulfonic acid (MSA) another sea salt proxy. While both these proxies for sea ice are well established in the Southern hemisphere. They have not yet been very successful in the Northern hemisphere, partly because the Greenland ice core samples in which they have been measured to date have been stored for a long time.
We hope that by a short storage time of the ice samples, we can obtain great memeasurements of both MSA and chloride fro the coastal Renland ice core using the new ion chromatograph and determine whether they are useful proxies for sea ice variability in the Arctic over the satellite era. In case they are we hope to use them to infer the sea ice variability in the Arctic further back in time.
Further the ion chromatograph can help us determine the sulfate concentrations in the Renland samples. This is crucial to obtain a great timescale as the sulfate arrive when volcanic eruptions take place. By determining the sulfate levels in multiple cores these can be cross dated, making for accurate comparison between sites.
MSA (methano sulfonic acid). Originates from oxidation of DMS (sea ice algae). Correlates at some Antarctic sites to Sea Ice Extent derived from satellites. Site dependent proxy. Some in situ movement in firn.
Chloride: From winter sea ice, require transport eg. wind affected.
Sulfate: Peak concentrations of sulfate in the ice core are observed when volcanic eruptions have taken place.