Author: Kerim Hestnes Nisancioglu

Institutt for geovitenskap

Application for ACDC2015 is now open!

This years ACDC organized by UiB in collaboration with MIT and U. Washington will be held at Laugarvant, Iceland in the former boarding school Heradsskolinn. The topic we will focus on is “Climate and Volcanism” and as usual we aim for an interdisciplinary group of PhD students and lecturers within the field of climate dynamics (ocean, atmosphere, geology, glaciology).

You will find a list of lecturers and link to application form on this web site. Note deadline is the 10th of March!


MIS3/Southern Ocean and Bipolar Seesaw Workshop

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Ice core records show that there is a systematic relationship between Antarctic Isotope Maximum (AIM) events in Antarctica and Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events in the North Atlantic. All prominent DO events have an AIM counterpart; the warming stage of AIM events typically coincides with the cold, stadial stage of DO events [EPICA cm 2006]. The AIM signals are also expressed in proxies of southern ocean surface temperature [Bostock et al, 2014] and southern-sourced deepwater ventilation and production [e.g. Piotrowski et al., 2008].

While the systematic phasing of AIM and DO events implies that they are somehow coupled, it does not specify how they are coupled or from where or by what they are triggered.

Purpose of the workshop will be to:

(1) familiarise ourselves with records of climate variability at high southern latitudes during MIS3;

(2) discuss possible mechanisms/models which might explain the phasing of these records with respect to the DO cycles; and

(3) reject hypotheses which do not satisfy the observations.

A review paper on Antarctica, the Southern Ocean and the bipolar seesaw during MIS3 will be written based on the outcome of the workshop.

Dates: February 2nd – 3rd, 2015

Venue: University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway

Link to calendar event

Link to workshop Program

Workshop coordinators:

Joel Pedro (University of Copenhagen) and Kerim Hestnes Nisancioglu (University of Bergen)