The annual all staff meeting was held in Sweden in start of February. 55 internal ice2ice researchers attended the meeting and had intense focus on synergies within ice2ice.
The annual all ice2ice staff meeting was held in Mölle, Sweden.
The scope for this year’s all-staff meeting was synergies in Ice2ice. We are at the state in the ice2ice project where several great publications has allrady been publishedfrom the individual ice2ice researchers, expanding the knowledge on how sea ice and land ice influence each other (the full list of ice2ice publications so far can be seen here). However to fully benefit from the versatile group of people we are within ice2ice this years all staff meeting was set up with a focus on collaboration and synergy between the individual institutions.

To get everyone up to date on the new and exiting research that has happened within ice2ice since last year, each staff member quickly introduced their science with a 1 minute slide. Further a poster session was used to update on ongoing research.

The remaining workshop was used to identify and start the process of writing synergy papers. We split into 6 working groups, each with a theme covering part of the overall work packages of ice2ice:
- Sea ice reconstruction combining marine and ice core records
- Surface Mass Balance
- Ocean state estimation
- Evolution of Greenland ice sheet elevation, accumulation and water isotopic composition
- Sea ice vs Greenland Climate
- Dynamics of stadial and interstadial transitions
Each working group discussion was initiated by a few scientific talks and from there continued discussions over two days led to the concrete identification of at least 2 synergy paper per group. In several groups more than 2 ideas for ice2ice synergy papers came out of the fruitful discussions. Making for a busy, but exciting period until the end of the ice2ice project by September 2019.

Such a close collaboration on papers can only be facilitated when researchers know each other well, thus we also found time for social excursion to Kullaberg led by a geologic expert.