Ice2ice was well represented at this years European Geophysical meeting (EGU). 14,496 scientists from 107 countries participated in the meeting, of which 53% were early career scientists (under the age of 35 years).
Over the course of the 5 day long meeting, ice2ice contributed heavily with 4 sessions:
- Quaternary climate archives and proxy uncertainty (Nora and Hening)
- The state-of-the-art in ice coring sciences (co-organized) (Paul)
- Understanding, representing and communicating earth system processes in weather and climate (Jens)
- Decadal to millennial scale climate variability of the late Quaternary (Joel, Helle, Mari, Kerim, Markus, Ruth)
Besides the high number of sessions with ice2ice conveners, ice2ice contributed more than 20 talks and a similar number of posters. A close to full list of ice2ice contributions by day can be found here.
Further ice2ice was represented in the EGU cinema, where the movies created by ice2ice was each shown twice over the course of the week. You can watch the movies here in case you missed them at EGU.
Finally on wednesday a social was held for ice2ice people and friends. More than 50 people joined.