These days the ship G.O. Sars is carrying ice2ice scientist with the goal of retrieving sediment cores to help answer the overall question of ice2ice: How does the sea ice effect land ice and vice verse?

Yesterday (16th Aug) the Calypso deep corer was installed in the ship and this morningĀ (17th of August) it was tested. In the afternoon, the ship left Reykjavik and in the next few days shell scrape/dredging in the local area (10, 50 and 90 km from Reykjavik) will be performed. The ship will then proceed toward South-East Greenland. There it will dock at Narsarsuaq, while on the way marine coring for more sediment cores to investigate especially the sea ice variability and ocean current changes of the past.

Below a video of G.O. Sars from last years cruise:
The cruise is driven UiB and the Bjerkness center, but making for truly interdisciplinary reserach, 3 Niels Bohr Institute scientist normally working with ice cores and one DMI scientist who normally does climate modelling are also on board to learn about the sediment archive first hand.
The cruise will end on 17th of September.