PhD position in climate dynamics/paleoclimate

43297-werehiringThere is a vacancy for a PhD postion at The Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen ( within the field of climate dynamics/paleoclimate. The position is for a fixed-term period of 3 years. The successful candidate will be part of the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research ( and the ice2ice project (Arctic Sea Ice and Greenland Ice Sheet Sensitivity) which is an ERC-synergy project with Uni Research, the University of Copenhagen and the Danish Meteorological Institute as partners.

About the project/work tasks
The focus of ice2ice is to investigate the cause and future implications of past abrupt changes in Arctic sea ice and climate on the Greenland ice sheet. The candidate will work within the field of climate dynamics/paleoclimate. The research fellow will work

Ship-board core measurements for creating an initial time scale for the cores (Photo Jørund Strømsøe)
Ship-board core measurements for creating an initial time scale for the cores (Photo Jørund Strømsøe)

on proxy based reconstructions and chronology of oceanographic parameters adjacent to Greenland based on geochemistry and microfossils.

As part of the PhD program the candidate is expected to conduct a research stay at the ice2ice partner institution in Copenhagenor at one of the other collaborating institutions in the project.

 Qualifications and personal qualities

  • The applicant must hold a master’s degree or the equivalent in physics, mathematics, earth science (including geology, climate, meteorology, oceanography) or similar relevant fields, or must have submitted his/her master’s thesis for assessment prior to the application deadline. It is a condition of employment that the master’s degree has been awarded.
  • Should have a suitable background in paleoclimatology, preferably based on sediment records
  • The ability to work independently as well as in interdisciplinary research groups.
  • Must be highly motivated

Closing date for applications: 4 March 2016

More information and application details here: