Karthaus summerschool-supported by ice2ice

The 15th Karthaus summer school on Ice Sheets and Glaciers in the Climate System took place from 8th to 19th September 2015 in Karthaus (Bolzano, Italy) on the Italian alps. The course provided knowledges on various aspects of glaciers and ice sheets to Ph.D. students that work on a glaciology-related climate project. Topics included continuum mechanics, kinematics, ice rheology, sliding and hydraulics, numerical modelling, polar meteorology, ice-ocean interaction, ice cores, interaction of ice sheets with the solid earth, glacier fluctuations, and much more-all related to the ice2ice project.

The participants of the 2015 Karthaus Summer

During nearly two weeks, a total of 36 students attended lectures in the morning and exercises in the afternoon. Computer projects, done in groups of three students, was also part of the summerschool programme. The projects were in the end presented to the class. An excursion to the nearby glaciers was also organized, to observe in reality the different aspects of the glacial environment.

Alpine passes are marked with crosses since the XIII century.
Excursion to a nearby glacier

written by Niccolò Maffezzoli, PhD student in ice2ice.