The Past 4 weeks a large part of the ice2ice members at University of Copenhagen have spend their time in a freezer in Bremerhaven. They have cut the, in total 586 m long, Renland ice core into smaller samples to prepare for the investigation of the climate signal kept within. Samples for water isotopes, which inform on the past temperature, were made for each 55 cm (1064 samples) and also for each 2.5 cm (>23000 samples). Pieces were cut out for the analysis of greenhouse gases, for the analysis of chemical impurities and also a section for analysis of physical properties, such as crystal structure was cut.
8 persons involved in the ice2ice project from University of Copenhagen participated in the work, which took place at -20C.
The cutting was finished Friday the 11th of September 2015. Now the sections are on the way to leading laboratories around the world for high class analysis to be started in October.