Dear all
The dates are now fixed for the NEGIS workshop and EGRIP Steering Committee meeting 2017. I have been asking around and this seems to be the best we can do.
I would like to ask the consortia chairs to plan when they want to have their meeting (and if they need one or two blocks for the meeting). The consortia list is here: consortia-meetings-2016
After the EGRIP fieldseason, beginning of September, I will email all chairs again to finalize the program.
The NEGIS workshop is intended to be a workshop covering all activites on NEGIS – from iceridge to ocean. I would ask you to email me if you are interested in participating and also names (and emails) for researchers outside the EGRIP community we would like to invite.
the very best
Sunday 29 October 2017
18-22 NEGIS workshop IceBreaker
Monday 30 October 2017
9-18 NEGIS workshop
18-22 NEGIS dinner
Tuesday 31 October 2017
9-18 NEGIS workshop
13:00-15:30 EGRIP consortia meetings (1)
16:00-18:00 EGRIP consortia meetings (2)
Wednesday 1 November 2017
9:00-12:00 EGRIP consortia meetings (3)
13:00-15:30 EGRIP consortia meetings (4)
16:00-18:00 EGRIP SC meeting
18:00 – 22:00 Icebreaker and EGRIP SC Dinner
Thursday 2 November 2017
9:00-17:00 EGRIP SC meeting
Friday 3 November 2017
9:00-17:00 ReCAP meeting