Note the new date. Meeting has been moved from 15/8 to 6/9. Updates from the Copenhagen groups.
09:00-09:30 -Sindhu: “Total air content results from Renland and preliminary interpretation”-20 min, 10 min Q
09:30-09:50-Kerim: “why am I in Copenhagen”, 20 min total
09:50:-10:30-Nicholas: “Highly temporally resolved response to seasonal surface melt of the Zachariae and 79N outlet glaciers in Northeast Greenland”, 30 min, 10 Q
10.30-10:40 Short break
10:40-11:10-Shuting/Jens “update on Idas work on nudging of the sea ice” 20 min, 10 Q
11:10-11:35-Diana: “Northern hemisphere methane realize in MIS5a as revealed by high-resolution gas measurements in ice cores.” 15 min, 10 Q
11:35-11:45-Paul: “Update on Mt. Brown project”
11:45-12:00 Update of publication list and misc. Please prepare one minute (one slide) about any new puplications/new submissions. Also let Helle know of new puplication plans. 10 min
12.00 Lunch at CIC. If you stay for lunch and is not at CIC normally please let Helle know.
Further agenda for those who are interested
- Paul: Ideas for new project about dust