2200 København N
See invite for the CLIC mini Symposium here
In connection with the CLiC (Climate and Cryosphere, 12th Scientific Steering Committee at the Niels Bohr Institute February 2-4th a minisymposium will be held in the famous Auditorium A at the Niels Bohr Institute.
Theme: The state of the Arctic Cryosphere
13:00-13:05 Welcome by Dorthe Dahl-Jensen (Professor, Niels Bohr Institute)
13:05-13:20 Morten Skovgaard Olsen (Danish Energy Agency) : Introduction to the update of
13:20-13:40 Jason Box (professor, GEUS): AMAP SWIPA Update: What’s new since 2009 for
Arctic land ice-climate interactions
13:40-14:00 Kristian K. Kjeldsen (Dr., Center of Geogenetics) The use of photos to assess the
Greenland Ice Sheet mass loss
14:00-14:20 Eystein Janson (Director, Bjerkness Center): Ice2Ice and the state of the sea ice
14:20-14:40 James Overland (Dr., NOAA): The Immediacy of Arctic Change
14:40-15:00 Peter L. Langen (Climate scientist, DMI): The Polar Portal and Surface Mass Balance
of the Greenland Ice Sheet
15:00-17:00 Reception with wine and snacks