
June 2, 2008 @ 13:00 – 16:00

Time: Monday afternoon, 2nd June 2008

Place: Room 235, 2nd floor of the Rockefeller building, Juliane Maries Vej 30

Organizer: Centre for Ice and Climate (Gas and Chemistry labs)


kl. 13.00

Dr. Ingeborg Levin
Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany.

Atmospheric molecular hydrogen: Present state and possible changes

Abstract: In a possible future hydrogen economy atmospheric molecular hydrogen levels may considerably increase, which could have consequences on atmospheric chemistry and climate in the future. Our current knowledge on the atmospheric molecular hydrogen budget will be presented and the potential use of knowledge on past hydrogen levels to be derived from gas analysis in ice cores on past changes of the climate system will be discussed.

****Coffee and cake****

14.30 o’clock

Dr. Dietmar Wagenbach
Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany.

Ice core based quantification of the atmospheric aerosol load variability: fact or fiction?

Abstract: The air/firn transfer of particles may exert a decisive imprint on the interpretation of aerosol related ice core records in terms of net atmospheric changes. The basic concepts in considering this process will be addressed and backed up by observations from dedicated atmospheric and glacio-chemical studies at various regions. Thereby, emphasis is on the use of cosmogenic and terrigenous radionuclides tagging the sub-micron aerosol body.