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February 16, 2017 @ 13:00 – 16:00
NBI, room 235
DMI/NBI meeting to keep each other up to date on progress and collaborations.
This meeting will be at NBI, room 235. Please prepare by reading this material: ice2ice_workshop-and-dissemination.
1) Input to the ice2ice all staff meeting.
This includes wishes for working groups for the discussion session at the the all staff meeting. A draft program for the workshop is available here. The ice2ice all staff meeting will have a slightly different format than last. Each Work package will have 1⁄2 an hour input for all and then split into smaller working groups for about 1.5 hour based on your wishes. The smaller working groups will be based on your input, so we will spend time considering what to work on during the ice2ice all staff. If you have forgotten exactly what each work package contains, please read through the ice2ice description of work page 9-16.
2) Input on dissemination to ERC reporting
The first ERC scientific reporting is coming up and we will discuss the input to this, so if you have had any dissemination activities please have information on them ready.
3) other items
Contact Helle if you have items for the agenda.